All meetings are open to the public.
Call to order– Chair Becky Walcott
Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer Full Commission & Guests and Prayer
We follow our General Rules of Conduct – located on the table in the rear
Each commissioner will state their name before attendance and their vote.
Yes, if you are for the motion
No, if you are against the motion,
Abstain, you are removing yourself from the vote, or as stated Article XI, C. of By-Laws
Roll Call:
Approval of Previous Month’s Minutes
Treasurer Report: New Budget Process and Budget approval
Commission Committee Business:
Zonings: BZA24-173 2365 Performance Way
Community Outreach:
Economic Development:
Public Safety:
Health & Human Services:
Internal Governance:
Recreation & Parks:
Old Business:
New Business:
City Reports: Katherine Cull
Motion to Adjourn