Sammons Park

Youth Baseball Park Gets Cutting-edge Improvements

Sammons Park (formerly Sills Park) has been a big part of kids’ recreational baseball for decades. This park is one of only five parks in Columbus where our youth baseball leagues are played. Thanks to cutting-edge technology and the generosity of community partners, Sammons Park received safety improvements.

Public Meetings & Hearings

COVID-19 School District Updates

Public districts in our area are back to some in person learning. Groveport Madison, Hamilton Local, and Columbus City Schools are currently operating blended learning models, where students spend half of their time in the physical classroom. Some students (for example, Columbus City’s middle and high school students) remain in fully virtual classes.  Districts continue to offer …

Saving on Home Energy Bills

Saving on Home Energy Bills

MORPC offers home energy efficiency (weatherization) and safety services at no cost to income-eligible residents in Franklin County. The program helps keep homeowners and renters warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, all while lowering energy bills.