Saving on Home Energy Bills

Saving on Home Energy Bills

During the cold winter months, energy costs can skyrocket. People living in older, less energy efficient homes can suffer the most. MORPC offers home energy efficiency (weatherization) and safety services at no cost to income-eligible residents in Franklin County. The program helps keep homeowners and renters warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, all while lowering energy bills. These programs are available all year to qualified renters (with landlord’s permission) and homeowners.

Energy Saving Services

Experienced professionals perform home energy inspections and safety checks, and work to improve the safety and comfort of the home. Based on eligibility, customers may receive the following services at no cost:

  • Repair or replacement of natural gas furnaces and water heaters
  • Attic and sidewall insulation
  • Air sealing
  • A full home energy inspection
  • Safety checks on natural gas appliances

Other services offered by MORPC may include replacement of refrigerators, freezers, and light bulbs with more efficient models

These programs are provided at no cost to income-eligible clients thanks to funding from WarmChoice® provided by Columbia Gas of Ohio, the Ohio Development Services Agency’s Home Weatherization Assistance Program, and AEP Ohio’s Community Assistance Program.

You May Qualify

You may qualify for free home weatherization and safety services if:
• Your household income is at or below the requirements shown in the chart below.
• You reside in Franklin County
• You are a Columbia Gas of Ohio customer

To be eligible, customers must rent or own a home in Franklin County and have a total household income during the preceding 12 months equal to or less than 150-200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines.

Household SizeMaximum Annual Income

Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) Plus and Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) recipients are encouraged to apply.

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