614 Beautiful Returns for Round Two: Applications Now Open for Neighborhood Beautification Grants
For Immediate ReleaseSeptember 7, 2023{COLUMBUS, OH} —
Councilmember Lourdes Barroso de Padilla, the Department of Neighborhoods, and the Neighborhood Design Center are excited to open the application for the second round of the 614 Beautiful Grant Program. 614 Beautiful is a program aimed at beautifying and unifying Columbus communities through place-based, public-facing improvements, achievable with $15,000 of project support. The program is an exercise in creative placemaking – an initiative that integrates art, culture, and design to strengthen communities by creating places to gather, opportunities to volunteer, and activities that respond to the local area.“614 Beautiful is about empowering our residents to create, innovate, and celebrate their neighborhoods in every corner of our city,” says Councilmember Lourdes Barroso de Padilla.
“By providing residents with the tools and resources they need to bring their ideas to life, we are seeing innovative solutions to neighborhood issues, new gathering places, and more public art that celebrates the history and people of Columbus.”
The 614 Beautiful program aims to fund pocket parks, landscape enhancements, streetscape and public right-of-way improvements, place-making signage, and public art. “The strength of Columbus is its people, and programs like 614 Beautiful provide an opportunity to harness the creative energy of our communities in designing and implementing projects that authentically build upon the unique culture of each neighborhood,” says Lisa Snyder, Director of Community Programs.
“We were blown away by the response and creativity in year one of the program and are excited to see what innovative ideas our communities come up with as we launch year two.”Last year, eight winners were chosen based on their project proposals. Most projects have been completed, including banners on Parsons Avenue and the Hilltop “Tell Your Story” Mural.
To read more about all of the winners, go to https://www.614beautiful.org/awardees.
“I appreciate each organization that completed a project during the first round of the 614 Beautiful Program,” said Department of Neighborhoods Director Carla Williams-Scott. “The work uplifted neighborhoods and inspired residents. I encourage community organizations to participate this year and submit proposals that will make a positive impact.”
Go to www.614beautiful.org. Applications are due October 20, 2023. |